Use Your Time Wisely When Unemployed

Use Your Time Wisely When Unemployed

Being unemployed brings with it a high level of anxiety for people who just don’t know what to do with themselves without a workplace to go to each day. The loss of structure, intellectual stimulation, and opportunity to be productive can become overbearing. Sometimes the unemployed person will drift into varying levels of depression. Ironically, this state of mind deflates self-esteem, prolonging the search and adding extra stress to marital and family relationships. 

To avoid this discomfort of unemployment, some have jumped “out of the frying pan, into the fire” by accepting the first job that comes along. This is partially fuelled by their thinking, “I might not get another offer from anyone else, so I better take this one.” Unfortunately, this can eventually takes its toll, and the employee has the dilemma of changing employment again or sticking it out in a mismatched job or culture.

To avoid making a rushed decision that might not be good in the long run, keep yourself busy. They say finding a job is a full time job. For the most part, this is true. If you have difficulty generating sufficient job related activity to fill your days, then plan other activities to get you out of the house and away from the television set. Here are some ideas…..

STRUCTURE YOUR DAYS: The first thing you need to do is structure each day with productive activities. Start by rising early in the morning. Shower, shave or make-up, and get dressed. Eat a healthy breakfast. Have a place to go each morning. It may be taking a brisk walk, going to the gym to work out, or to an early morning networking appointment. Once you are dressed and out, it will be easier to keep your momentum up and your energy positive.

SET WEEKLY GOALS FOR YOUR SEARCH: Each week, plan to send out a minimum of ten to fifteen resumes. Contact that same amount of people by phone (this includes network development as well as follow up phone calls from resumes sent out the week prior), and have 3 to 5 face to face networking meetings or interviews. Create weekly goal sheets, and monitor your progress. This system will allow you to see your accomplishments.

CATCH UP ON UNFINISHED PROJECTS: It feels great to get those projects done that have been looming over your head while you were working fifty and sixty hour weeks. Finally getting the garage cleaned out, your closets painted or your garden planted can offer a sense of fulfillment. Having these tasks done can help you feel like you’re doing something worthwhile.

VOLUNTEER: Volunteering is more than just time filler. It can offer perspective to your situation, especially if you have tended to feel sorry for yourself for being unemployed. Most people have a favorite organization that they would like to contribute their time to. Giving of yourself is very uplifting. It just feels good. In addition, recipients of your efforts are usually appreciative. Isn’t it nice to be appreciated?

TAKE A CLASS: Whether it is a job related skill, or a hobby which has been on the back burner, learning a new skill or talent really builds confidence and self-esteem. Taking on a new challenge is fun. Conquering it is even more fun. Remember: Your marketability will be enhanced if you can show that you are developing new job skills.

JOIN A FITNESS OR EXERCISE CLASS: Regardless of how it appears to outsiders, being unemployed is emotionally stressful. Physical exercise can help control anxiety and create a feeling of positive energy and well being. If it would be an economic burden to pay for these type of classes, find an inexpensive alternative, such as a walk or jog. Try to recruit a friend who can do this with you, if self-discipline is not your strength.

For many, immersing themselves into the job research and search process and other activities has been very therapeutic during this time. Interestingly, these are the same people who uncover great information and job leads because they’re out there where the action is.

You are the only person who can turn this situation around. Planning your days to be full and having lots to do will start to make you feel worthwhile again. Soon the thoughts of “What good am I, anyway?” will be replaced with ” I know I can beat this!”. SO GET BUSY!