Masks in the Workplace

With Halloween approaching soon, we think of all the costumes and masks that will be worn by the goblins who visit our homes seeking treats. At work we wear masks, too, except we wear them all year long.  They are…

Train Management on Treatment of Candidates

Employment candidates from all disciplines and levels indicate that all too frequently they are not treated well in the selection process.  Keeping candidates waiting, showing rude behavior, saying inappropriate things in the interview, and not communicating after an interview are…

Are You a "Requirer" or an "Inspirer"?

Most people prefer to work for a leader with a style that leads others respectfully, including and inspiring them, rather than by dominating and requiring them to abide by the boss’s rules. Let’s challenge the old model of the “requirer” and offer…

Delegate: Learn to Trust and Let Go

Do you have a problem with delegation?  You may know that delegating is necessary for efficiency and productivity, but yet something holds you back from handing off tasks and responsibilities to someone else. Here are some ways that those who…