Paradox Technology™

In order for employees to prosper and be productive in a particular job, it is essential that they possess the traits that produce success and fit the culture of the company. Assessing those traits requires a system that reveals deep insight into human behavior.

ParadoxTechnology™ analyzes and determines a broad spectrum of potential counter-productive traits, producing the most accurate, complete and reliable picture of a person, while overcoming the deficiencies of traditional bi-polar measurement. It prevents deception while at the same time provides deep insight into potential counter-productive behavior. All without the person having the slightest idea it is happening. This is vitally important since negative traits usually account for 60-75% of the factors that determine job success.paradox

Harrison Assessments ParadoxTechnology™ provides vital information about communication style and behavioral issues that are critical to job success, without sacrificing its ability to prevent deception. It is highly effective at identifying negative traits because it is based on the principle that each trait has the potential to be either productive or counter- productive, depending upon other balancing traits.

This depth of information is critical for making the right hiring decisions and optimizing the performance of your existing employees.