Open Mind More Important Than an Open Door

It has been said that a good leader should have an open door policy and be accessible to his or her employees and other important relationships.  However, accessibility is about both physical accessibility and interpersonal or emotional accessibility. For instance,…

Promoted to Manage Your Former Peers

Congratulations on your promotion!  You have been a star contributor in your department, and have rightfully earned this opportunity to now lead the group. Beyond the expected challenges of learning the ropes as a new manager – administrative and human…

The Real Reason People Leave Their Companies

Upon submitting their resignations, employees will generally be asked by the company why they are leaving.  A significant number of employees will respond that they found a “better opportunity.”  This generic response is frequently given because it is a “safe”…

Employees Need to Engage and Speak Up

The concept of employee engagement in the workplace is getting more and more attention particularly now that research is showing a direct and positive correlation between employee engagement and profitability.  Successful business outcomes are derived by the involvement of everyone,…

Comfort Zone Can Be A Danger Zone

A very successful business professional admitted that he had been resisting the way that technology had impacted his profession.  His rationale was that he was accomplished and recognized in his field, and that there are a lot of people who…

Bosses From Hell

Internet stories abound about people’s experiences with a “boss from hell.”  Books have been written about them and late night talk show hosts joke about them.  But having a boss from hell isn’t funny.  And having a boss from hell…